Twisted Stitches
Punchcard charts for many fantastic textured designs using my relatively quick and easy method, including a video, and garment patterns to use with these stitch designs. All on downloadable PDF. 79 pages of great ideas.

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Use your punchcard or electronic machine to assist in creating interesting surface detail by hand tooling tucked stitches. Combine with hand tooled lace and HP tuck to give a variety of attractive effects. My method makes it relatively quick and easy to achieve. Most of the designs will work with both 24 and 12 stitch punchcards, or if you have a simple machine, just work from the charts.
For those without a charting device (or with), I have included a poncho, a simple raglan sweater/cardigan in multiple sizes, a dropped shoulder slash neck or round neck sweater/cardi, a child’s tabard, a set in sleeve sweater/cardigan and an easy hat in toddler’s to adult sizes, all that you could easily make with a few calculations. Full instructions and calculations included.
You can of course also use these patterns with any machine, yarn or stitch pattern of your choice.
Suitable for all machines with punchcards (or electronics). It will take longer on a standard gauge machine than on a chunky or mid gauge machine. I used a Brother KH260 with ribber. If you only have a simple machine you will still be able to create the designs by reading from the charts, it will just take a little longer.
The Raglan sweater/cardi pattern is in 34 - 42 bust. The child's tabard is in ages 2-9. The slash neck and set in sleeve sweaters use your own measurements. You can vary the size of the Poncho to suit. Toddler to large adult sizes in the hat.

Any yarn suitable to your machine in the looser end of it's tension range.