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Charting Patterns


If you have a charting device such as a 'Knitleader' or 'Knitradar' etc, but are not sure how to use it, here are some patterns with design ideas, some using your basic pattern to create a range of interesting styles. If you don't have a basic pattern, click below for free instructions on how to create your own from your own individual measurements, plus how to create tension swatches and use the measurements obtained.

for free Basic Pattern download

Please click on a photo for more info

Venetia 4 B.jpg
Delightful Diagonals E
Chart basic patt

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All patterns are copyright and must not be reproduced or sold, or garments manufactured, without permission.

Domestic makers may sell garments made with these patterns.

If you need a hard copy of the patterns, please pay for 2 of the same item to cover for printing, postage and packing and leave your address in the comments section of the checkout.

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